
Motivation for your miles.


Since I’m not allowed to talk about this on Facebook….

If you’re a mom, and you have a teenager, you already understand this. 

There is a whole unwritten FB manual on this topic, a secret code that can only be unscrambled in the teenage mind. 

Evidently I inadvertently break the “rules” often.

So…since publicly praising a young person on facebook is “embarrassing”, I will privately discuss them here on my public blog.  Somehow that makes it acceptable.


In our community, a running group has recently formed.  We run 3 miles, 3 times a week at 5:15am.  I have been so impressed by the teenagers that run with us.  I mean really…how many young people do you know with that kind of motivation & dedication to their health?  Well…I know at least 5!  No one is MAKING them come, they set their own alarm clocks and somehow show up by 5:15am even with smiles on their faces!  I am very impressed with them!  I think that says a lot about who they are & where they are headed in life.

z70There is one young man that hasn’t missed a single run the whole 3 weeks since we began.  I just have to brag on him a little more.  My husband, Matt, had to work out of town yesterday, but on a typical morning run, Matt will run back and forth to check on all of us.  Particularly in the areas with little light.

For some reason yesterday was tougher for a few of us.  I had broken off from the group with a runner that wasn’t feeling well and headed back to our start/end place.  By the time we got back she was feeling better so we decided to go ahead a finish up our last mile.  When we arrived back about 6 minutes AFTER everyone else was finished & gone…he had waited on us to make sure we were OK.  He had ALSO already ran back to check on another person in the group that had a tough run.

He probably doesn’t even realize what that meant to me, but it’s not every day that you get to see such a thoughtful gesture by a young person.  So today I will restore hope in the hearts of moms everywhere.  Proof that the thoughtful, focused, teenage male does exist.  I just want to say how impressed I am by this young man….

….that I’m not allowed to show you his picture

…or say his name. 


1 Comment

I agree.

“People sometimes sneer at those who run every day, claiming they’ll go to any length to live longer. But don’t think that’s the reason most people run. Most runners run not because they want to live longer, but because they want to live life to the fullest. If you’re going to while away the years, it’s far better to live them with clear goals and fully alive than in a fog, and I believe running helps you to do that. Exerting yourself to the fullest within your individual limits: that’s the essence of running, and a metaphor for life — and for me, for writing as whole. I believe many runners would agree.”  Haruki Murakami


THE perfect “baby’s on the way” announcement!

Go ahead and Pin it! You know you want to! 🙂

baby shoes

With 3 children of my own, unless we adopt….I should never need this again!!!  When I saw this photograph on fellow runner, Julia Cantley Photography’s Facebook page, I immediately thought how perfect it would be for runners. I had to share it with you!  Don’t you just love it?

So, if you’re someone who sees this and is actually going to use the idea….

CONGRATULATIONS on your new little runner!

Babies are so precious.

If you live in or around central Alabama, you should contact my weekend long run friend, Julia Cantley for a fantastic photo shoot!

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They argued with me the whole 3 miles….


The beginning and the end of our 3 mile fight.

Who argued with me?  MY LEGS!

I think they were mad at me for what I put them through during Saturday’s long run.  I told them that it was for their own good, and just kept moving forward.

They finally gave in about mile 2.75.   So the last quarter of a mile was very pleasant!

  It wasn’t pretty…but again…

I win!